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Pakistan: Women are the integral part of the society

By Ahsan Khan

Phenomenal changes have taken place across the world in recent years, but the status and fate of women has not changed much. In Pakistan, their situation has become much worse.

We were recently rated as one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to the way we treat women. More than 60 years after independence, 80 per cent of Pakistani women are still subjected to domestic violence. Our country is ranked 82 out of 93 countries on the Gender Development Index and 152 out of 156 countries on the Gender Empowerment Measure. We are also among a handful of countries where there is a negative sex ratio of 100 women to 108 men. Though women have potential to play a multidimensional role from societal to organizational, yet they have been neglected. Our country’s backwardness can directly be attributed to the denied role of women in country’s development.

Quaid-e-Azam said in speech in 1944:

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you; we are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners”.

Patriarchal men say no to education for women. Not only this, many women are also denied the opportunity for job and earn livelihood. Their occupational choices are limited due to social and cultural constraints and inherent gender bias in the labour market. They also lack supportive facilities such as childcare, transport and accommodation in the formal sector of the labour market. Women’s labour power is considered inferior because of employer’s predetermined notion of women’s primary role as homemakers. As a result of discrimination, their role is low paid and leads to lack of potential upward mobility.

However, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) strongly emphasized on education by saying that, “It is the prime duty of men and women to acquire education”.

Islam is a comprehensive religion that gives women a great importance. However, the narrow-minded and biased religious Ulemas have always misinterpreted it to serve their wicked purposes. It amounts to neglect the real soul of Islam that gives women equality in every sphere of life.

Women can play a greater role in the development of our nation. They have a great potential to lift our nation, which is rife with problems. God has bestowed them with all capabilities and their role in any sphere whether it is social, economic, political, cultural or educational cannot be ignored. We need to utilize their talent in right place and admit their stake in country’s progress.

Women of Pakistan are highly devoted towards their role in the development of the country and they are emerging as notable members of the society.

Furthermore, they are promoting the cause of women’s status and role in the society. It must be admitted and applauded that these courageous women have not only created awareness among the fellow women about their strength and importance, but have also embedded themselves into the platforms where their demands could meet success. Now the time has come to actively integrate them in countries affairs so that we can faster the pace of progress of Pakistan. The task is very simple and women have to come out from the shackles of male superiority.

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