Urugoli MediaUrugoli Media1 year ago16250

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Africa: Food for thought as we head into a new week

It takes a sharp mind to establish and run a business. But, it takes an even sharper mind to outwit a competing #business. The below video shows how it should be done.

Noticing the price difference, Woman B lowers her price.

The clip shows two women selling bananas. Let’s call the woman on the left Woman A and the woman to the right Woman B. Woman A initially sells her bunch of bananas for 140 and Woman B for 150. A man walks up and buys a bunch from Woman A as it is cheaper.

Noticing the price difference, Woman B lowers her price to 100 with an expectation that people will now buy from her. In a twist, Woman A buys Woman B’s bunch of bananas and she gives them to her reluctantly. Once she bought the bunch, Woman A now increases her price from 140 to 350 which leaves Woman B outwitted.

Work smarter not harder this week.

Accelerating the implementation of the #AfCFTA MUST be AFRICA’s number one priority in 2023.

Noticing the price difference, Woman B lowers her price.
Noticing the price difference, Woman B lowers her price.
Noticing the price difference, Woman B lowers her price.
Noticing the price difference, Woman B lowers her price.
Noticing the price difference, Woman B lowers her price.
Noticing the price difference, Woman B lowers her price.

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