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KOICA Rwanda Office hosts Knowledge Sharing Program for Increasing Income of Agricultural Cooperatives and Small Holder Farmers Project

By Manzi Eric

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), which is the aid agency of the Korean government, held a knowledge sharing program called, ‘Knowledge Sharing for Increasing Income of Agricultural Cooperatives and Small Holder Farmers’ at different agricultural sites in Kamonyi District from 10th to 11th November 2021.

The knowledge sharing program was conducted in close collaboration among KOICA, Saemaul Global Foundation (SGF) of Korea and Kamonyi District. Lectures and discussion sessions were delivered by public officers and cooperative members who participated in a KOICA’s capacity building program, ‘Agricultural Cooperatives to Increase Farming Income’ in September 2021. During the different sessions, they shared their agricultural knowledge and successful cases of rural development in Korea with more than 80 farmers.

This program was a result of the continuous partnership between KOICA and SGF in Rwanda. SGF which is a Korean government’s rural development agency, has closely cooperated with KOICA in Rwanda. The KOICA’s capacity building program has been implemented by SGF since 2020. From 2010 to 2016, KOICA also dispatched Korean rural development volunteers to Rwanda through its volunteer program called, ‘Global Saemaul Young Specialist’ in partnership with SGF.

In order to create more synergy through a linkage with SGF’s rural development projects, KOICA decided to conduct the knowledge sharing program for the agricultural communities who are farmers beneficiaries of SGF’s rural development projects in Kamonyi District.

Mr CHON Gyong Shik, KOICA Rwanda office country director explained the importance of the program for the sustainable development of Rwanda, “the knowledge sharing program was a great opportunity for farmers to learn from Rwandan trainees who participated in the KOICA’s capacity program. It was also a good example of collaboration between two Korean government’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) organizations, KOICA and SGF. Also it represents the motto of Saemaul Movement, ‘Self Help’ by Rwandan people teaching Rwandan people.”

Apart from KOICA’s contribution to agriculture in Rwanda, KOICA Rwanda has contributed to the sustainable development of Rwanda by providing grants to support development projects within Education and ICT sectors, but also it has contributed to the capacity development of more than 740 civil servants in different sectors and implemented different development programs since its establishment in Rwanda, 2011.

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