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Rwanda and Republic of Korea sign 9.5 million US Dollars Project to Reduce post harvest losses of Horticulture Produces in Rwanda


Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) on behalf of the Republic of Korea and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning on behalf of Republic Rwanda signed a grant agreement worth US$ 9.5 million (approximately Frw 10 billion) on 29th December, 2022, for the implementation of the Smart Food Value Chain Management Project (SFVCMP).

The main objective of SFVCMP is to reduce postharvest losses of horticultural export products and increasing smallholder farmer household income through a smart agricultural product management system within the project areas of intervention. SFVCMP will be implemented based upon bilateral cooperation: KOICA, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources. The Project has started from December, 2022 to December 2026, and the total number of direct beneficiaries will be approximately 224 cooperatives with approximately 232,734 farmers.

SFVCMP is particularly keen on farmer cooperatives who need more support from the project. The project target group consists of smallholder farmers and low-income households who cultivate Chilli, Onions, Ginger and Garlic. The project will give specific support packages to them and monitor the extent to which the project target group access project benefits. SFVCMP will also develop special measures to target women Youth involved in Agriculture, especially women heads of households, and resource-poor farmers to ensure their inclusion.

In order to reduce post-harvest losses, SFVCMP will establish the National Processing centre in Kigali to add value to the vegetables before it is sold in domestic or international market. Four regional post-harvest centre will be established in Rubavu, Rulindo, Bugesera and Nyagatare.

While reducing agricultural post-harvest losses, SFVCMP also seeks to establish the digital solution in order to increase the marketability and traceability of agriculture produces.

As a milestone project that comprises both post-harvest loss reduction and marketability components, SFVCMP will contribute in achieving Rwanda Vision 2050 and Sustainable Development Goals in Rwanda.

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