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Rwanda: Most of the Women in southern province commits toward agriculture and development

By Eric Habimana

Some of the women in Musambira sector , Kamonyi District and Cyeza in Muhanga District said that although the International Rural Women's Day is being celebrated, they depend on agriculture for their development because that is where they are able to earn money to support them in their daily life.

They do agriculture with the help of their husbands. #Teamwork.

Those women are saying this while preparing to celebrate the International Day of Rural Women scheduled to be held on October 15, 2022, with the theme "Development of rural women, the origin of our country's economy."

This is what they emphasize that their economy depends on agriculture because they are able to feed their families and they are able to earn their livelihood and also sell to markets.

They said that "Our daily work allows us to live and get what we need and what we don't get, it's agriculture, even though we do this agriculture, we do it in a way to be able to live with our families, but we don't do it as a profession".

Even though they say this, those in the Cyeza sector in the Muhanga District, and even those in the Musambira sector in the Kamonyi District, all agree that they still have obstacles that the representatives of women at the lower levels do not come down to approach and discuss their progress, even if they exchange ideas that they can develop themselves, even now they are doing their agriculture professionally, and they are asking that the people in charge should not stay in the city but also reach out to the people living in the rural areas.

On the other hand, Jeanne d'Arc Kamporora, the coordinator of the National Council of Women in southern province, encourages all the women in this province to understand that a rural woman is not put away of them, but that they should take the initiative and stick to it. others to comply with government programs, because when they participate, they start thinking and show what they are capable of because they meet others, and understand the principle of equality and harmony, and to prevent the conflict in their house for facilitating their husband and understand Gender and equality.

In Rwanda, this day began to be celebrated since 1997 and now it is the 25th time that the International Rural Women's Day is celebrated with the theme "The development of rural women, the key to the economy of our country".

They do agriculture with the help of their husbands. #Teamwork.
She went in the farm to find some potatoes.

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