Liza Kamikazi is a Rwandan born in Huye district southern province, Rwanda Country. who has been in the music industry for over the last 10 years. Currently, she is a multitalented artist who doubles as a songwriter and actress working both in Rwanda and in foreign countries.
Life Story and Experiences
I am a songwriter, actress and worship leader.
Who has been in the music and theater industry for 10 years and I have shifted to gospel music since August 2016. I compose songs, record them in the studio and release the music through media houses and social media by doing songs promotion through media tours. After some practices with the band and backup singers, I lead people in worship using my songs and other worship leaders songs.
What motivates me, is to know that I am serving God when I am leading people in worship. Anything that lifts up high the name of God and advances his kingdom expressed with passion.
Write and produce music that is inspired by the Holy Spirit to draw people close to God as they praise and worship. I personally want to be an instrument that God used to transform and heal people's lives through gospel music.
I was in the creative industry for years doing secular music and theater since 2006. From my very young age, I have been so passionate about music and theater and when I finished high school I got different opportunities to act in some plays and movies. I also managed to release my first song in 2007 and since then I have released 2 albums and performed in different events on the national and international stage. The main reason why I shifted to gospel music in 2016 is that I felt convicted by God in my heart that I was born to worship Him and it was about time I use the gift he gave me to glorify Him and be His vessel.
I grew up in the southern Province (Butare) in Huye district, Southern Province, Rwanda Country. I guess it was fun. It was not a big city but it was good enough to get a good education. I enjoyed my childhood with my family and my friends. However, I always feel like it did not last long as I had to be responsible at a very young age but I am grateful for it. Yes, I went to the National University of Rwanda. It was a great time. I did journalism and communication and I enjoyed it in parallel with my artistic career.
I did not get any chance to have a proper mentor when growing up but in my artistic career, I have been inspired by different musician both traditional and modern.
However, since last year, I have started a spiritual mentorship journey with a friend of mine called Catherine Bariho. I have had several life-changing experiences and I am going to share with you some of them.
In 2012 when I was pregnant with my elder daughter Sheja, I had a vision of a young girl singing to me that He is the only one who can restore a broken heart.
In 2015 I had the most successful performance in my whole career in Zanzibar (Sauti za Busara Festival). I was surprised at the end of the show when I felt unsatisfied. I was happy that it went so well but when I asked myself if the concert has transformed anyone's life I couldn't think of any apart from the excitement during the performance.
Later on in the same year, when I was watching the Movie Untitled, Son of God, when it got to the part where Jesus calls Peter after catching lots of fish,
I felt God reminding me about the performance in Zanzibar and telling me I will make you a Fisher of men.
Again later on when I was reading the Bible I read the story of the rich young man who came to Jesus asking what He can do to enter God's Kingdom and Jesus told him the sins he should avoid.
Then, the young man replied I have done that since my childhood. After that Jesus asked him to go and sell all that he has and give to the poor then follow him. The story tells us that the rich young man went away and did not want to follow Jesus because He was so rich and did not want to give up his wealth.
I had heard and read this story before for several times but when I read it this time I had a profound revelation that I have been wanting to follow Jesus but there was one thing I was not willing to give up in order to follow Him and that was my secular music. God spoke to me so clearly and from that very day, I knew that I need to surrender my music to Him and let Him use me for His glory.
The last but not least is the prophecy I was given to by a man from Singapore who did not know me but prophesied to me that I will no longer do performances but instead, I will do worship and He said that God was about to use me for His kingdom sake. So, this prophecy came to confirm all that God has been telling me from 2012.
To be brief all the above incidents and the other ones I have not mentioned led me to gospel music to be a vessel that God uses to transform and restore lives as he told me that He is the only one who can restore a broken heart.
Practice and professionalism.
I am working on an album project. It will have between 8- 10 songs of praise and worship. They are songs that talk about God's love and goodness.
Inspired by the Spirit of God, I have composed songs that I am recording in the studio with my producer Aaron Niyitunga.
After recording my first gospel song Ndaje Data, I thought I was ready to continue recording the whole album but God slowed me down and gave me new songs which I have started recording now.
I have to confess that it has taken longer than I had planned because my producer does not live in Rwanda.
Obviously, my relationship with God matters much in this project because I rely on Him to inspire me. My producer is instrumental in this project and has done amazing work so far. Also, my husband who is a trained musician supports a lot on this project and plays with my producer when necessary.
First of all, my mother has been my number one fan since the beginning of my music career and she has been asking me to do a gospel song, so she is very excited that I am working on a gospel album.
My children also have been enjoying the songs before I release them and actually, my son King is saying that he is my number one fan not my mom! When I shot the video of Indirimbo nshya, we had a lot of fun cause all my family was part of it.
About the conflict, I have not had many but I remember when I released the song I just mentioned, one journalist told me it was a wrong decision to quit secular music and suggested I do both as he was concerned that the believers might not welcome me in their world. 6 months after the song was released the same journalist congratulated me on how much the song was a hit.
As I am no longer doing secular music it means I had to find another source of resources to produce my album which leads me to get another job to sustain my music. The work did not fail but was delayed which I am not so concerned about because I believe in God's timing.
The most rewarding is the wonderful feedback I have been receiving from the people who have been touched by my music.
Reflections and Lessons
I learned that to do such a project does not only require talent and skills but also passion, patience, and commitment.
One thing I would do differently is to not set myself very tight deadlines I would allocate more time to the project to avoid any pressure.
I have learned that besides the gift that God gave me, I have a responsibility to sharpen it by doing more practice.
God can use anyone who finds favor in his eyes.
Even if I am still working on the album, I would view my work as successful so far as the songs that I have released received good feedback. I haven't been able to lead worship in different concerts but the few I have done were successful judging by the feedback and I am so grateful about it. I am also part of the worship team in New Life Bible Church and we have seen God move so many times as we worship.
The main skills are songwriting skills and singing skills. I would say I learned through experience also I did Literature in high school we learned a lot about writing. When it comes to singing I am not a genius, I am still learning.
I wouldn't view my project as a community education project, I would rather call it an edifying project because through my music I believe God restores lives, gives hope to the hopeless and encourages the weary.
What gives me hope is that I know itis not simply my work but it is a work that God has called me to do.
What makes me concern is when I allow the flesh to kick in and try to do it in my strength but I know that God is Faithful and His Word says" Being confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you, will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ." Philippians 1:6. After the album is to plan for concerts and if possible a tour outside Kigali.