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Africa HERBS to the WORLD: What you should know about African herbs and spices

This beautiful and detailed hashtag#map shows every hashtag#herb that grows native in hashtag#AFRICA and gives an idea of the countries and hashtag#regions where the herb is most common. hashtag#JICHoldings has partnered with herbs and hashtag#spices specialist, G Baldwin & Co, UK (Established in 1844) to bring you the best exotic flavours of African Herbs and Spices from across the hashtag#continent. Take a look at the extensive range you can NOW purchase: https://lnkd.in/eCV5CY_3

What you should know about African herbs and spices

Birthplace of Man-(and Woman)-Kind! The second largest continent on hashtag#Earth, Over 11 MILLION square miles and about 1.4 BILLION people. AFRICA has such a huge variety of hashtag#geography, hashtag#flora, hashtag#fauna and hashtag#people that make it one of the most fascinating mix of hashtag#cultures and hashtag#traditions stretching back over 150, 000 years of hashtag#evolution.

With the culture of folk medicine, cooking and the incredible array of native hashtag#plants Africa is truly a jewel of wealth when it comes to herbs.

hashtag#Thyme, a hardy hashtag#drought resistant plant, grows in the dry landscapes of hashtag#WesternSahara.

The hashtag#DemocraticRepublicofCongo with 80 Inches of rain a year, the highest frequency of thunderstorms anywhere in the world and the second largest hashtag#rainforest after the hashtag#Amazon, The hashtag#Congo Rainforest, alone holds more plant life than any other African Country.

We find Devil’s Claw, one of our best selling herbs, used in the treatment of pain from both Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis growing in hashtag#Namibia and the deserts of the hashtag#Kalahari.

hashtag#Somalia in hashtag#EastAfrica, known by many as the birthplace of modern hashtag#humans, has the beautiful gums & resins of opoponax, Myrrh & Frankincense.

The island of hashtag#Madagascar, off the Eastern Coast of Africa is far too rich with unique hashtag#species of herbs, hashtag#trees and hashtag#animals to even begin to discuss.

Many people are searching these places for the natural beginnings of cures for all sorts of hashtag#diseases and hashtag#health problems.

Check out the beautiful Herb Map Of Africa blow for more treasures and share with people who you think will find this hashtag#continent as incredible, diverse and wonderful as we do!
The future of AFRICA’s herbs and spices

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