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Kagitumba: Young people request inclusive HIV testing and counselling in high schools

Nearly 40% of new HIV infections are transmitted by people who don't know they have the virus. For people with undiagnosed HIV, testing is the first step in maintaining a healthy life and preventing HIV transmission. Rwandan youth have been urged to engage in the fight of HIV/AIDS and testing regularly to know their HIV status so that the affected ones can start taking drugs on time. HIV counselling and testing (HCT) is an essential element in the response to the HIV epidemic. To increase youth, utilize the HCT service, their expressed needs should be taken into account.

Why should adolescents get tested for HIV?

“This campaign recalls me that you’ll and our government care for us, this is interesting due to that despite accessing these opportunities here at boarding school, we never have search opportunity back home. Mostly HIV+ patients, who are fellow students, we used to encourage them to be strong and take drug appropriately towards treatment seriously, and other school mates yet HIV +, to be careful, not to use some items which spread it and if not to use condoms for effective prevention.” Mr. Ihirwe jean Gaulbert, 12, from Kayonza, a student at Kagitumba high school, Nyagatare District.

"Many adolescents engage in behaviors that put them at risk for getting HIV. If your test results show you have HIV+, you can get the treatment you need to stay healthy, the reason why we urge the HIV prevention and testing institutions linkage to furthermore apply test twice a month to reduce and fight it among us, particulary to work closely with our school leaders,.." He added

“This compaign is very Important to us, HIV is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection, making a person more vulnerable. Thus, I urge those affected to not ignore them self-strengthens matters particulary for us students, we try Muchmore to help those HIV Patiens in long-term cooperation with our school leaders and the nearly health centers towards operative treatment, counseling and prevention, Compared to other age groups, adolescents are among those least likely to know whether they have HIV. You'll know whether you have the virus in around 20 minutes. An HIV test is almost always free. You can live a healthier life.” Ms. Assia Ntivuguruzwa,16, from Gatsibo, a student at Kagitumba high school, Nyagatare District.

“AHF Foundation Rwanda, aimed 95% to fight HIV in Rwanda through preventaion and campaign particulary among youth even to engage those affected to take treatment appropriately in partnership with RBC, where we meet them in the centers like in Rukomo, and in the schools, to help community young people to be aware on the HIV Prevention and treatment. Through the campaign and 2,992 patients, from 0-24 ages, we have over 32 patients under our treatment process center. Patients in our different treatment centers to furthernmore who access prevention services and HIV Drug. We provide Four million condoms each Year.” Said, NDUNGUTSE BIKORIMANA, Young People Programs Coordinator at AHF.

“As well as integration and scholarship provided to those HIV+ to continue their studies approprielty, and to help the fight against ignorance among HIV+ Patient through AHF monthly support groups,For instance, you can’t prevent HIV without including and engaging youth. However, AHF through partnership with health centers, we give youth effective health service though our trained health service providers, who test, guide and counseling them during, treatment process over youth service corner programs. ” He added.

Rwanda Biomedical centre (RBC) with Rwanda Health organised the media engagement campaign against HIV among the youth. This campaign aimed towards awareness for Youth to prevent and fight HIV. CDC recommends HIV testing for adolescents. Today, antiretroviral drugs make it possible for people with HIV to live long, normal lives.

It is important for adolescents to know their HIV status so they can take precautions to protect their health or take medicine to treat HIV if they have the virus. CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care. For people with certain risk factors, CDC recommends getting tested at least once a year.

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